Published: 5 August 2011
Effective: 5 August 2011

ATA Chapter: 34


CAR Rule Part 43 Appendix E – ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections


Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Transponder inspections and tests required by CAR Rule Part 91.63. This rule part requires the transponder tests and inspections listed in Part 43 Appendix E.


This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is applicable to all persons performing Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Transponder inspections and tests required by CAR Rule Part 91.63. This rule part requires the transponder tests and inspections listed in Part 43 Appendix E.


This CAN is issued to advise that there is a rule reference error in CAR Rule Part 43 Appendix E.


The requirements defined in Part 43 Appendix E are intended to be equivalent to the requirements in FAR 43 Appendix F.  Recently the CAA became aware that there is a rule reference error in CAR Rule Part 43 Appendix E.    CAR Rule Part 43 Appendix E.1(d) refers to paragraph E.4(b), which should be E.4(a)(3).

The incorrect reference means that the additional tolerance is not able to be used, thus aircraft will unnecessarily be failing the required receiver sensitivity test.


The CAA advises persons performing Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Transponder inspections and tests that CAR Part 43 Appendix E.4 (b) referred to in Part 43 Appendix E.1 (d)  should be  Part 43 Appendix E.4 (a)(3).

The above mentioned amendment has been included in a draft rule package which is pending review/acceptance.