We undertake the preliminary policy work that is required before a rule change can commence.

Throughout this process we consider a wide range of factors, such as New Zealand’s international obligations, aviation safety and security risk, and the costs and benefits of implementing particular measures. This is separate from the operational policies that drive decision making within the CAA.

Once a policy project is complete, the Ministry of Transport might make a recommendation to the Minister of Transport to commence work to amend a Civil Aviation Rule. If the Minister approves this, the project will become a rules project.

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Policy projects in progress

This page is updated monthly to provide progress reports on our current policy projects.

If you have any queries regarding a policy or rule project, please contact us by emailing docket@caa.govt.nz.

Policy programme tracker

Current policy projects progress

Policy project name Description and purpose of project Current status Next milestone
Air Navigation Services Regulatory Framework

The purpose of this project is to review a range of rule parts relating to the provision of air navigation services and associated information, with the aim of putting in place a more modern and performance-based rules framework.

As well as looking at Parts 171 (Aeronautical telecommunication Services – Operation and Certification), 172 (Air Traffic Service Organisations Certification) and 65 (Air traffic Services Personnel Licences and ratings), this project will also consider Part 174 (Aviation Meteorological Service Organisations Certification).

We are working very closely with SMEs at this stage to determine the biggest issues.

This is a large project and we expect the policy development phase to take some time. The next stage will be to complete a policy options paper.

Upset Prevention Recovery Training (UPRT)

Building on the initial issue assessment, this project aims to investigate the approach New Zealand should take regarding the implementation of upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT). UPRT is an ICAO requirement aimed at preventing “loss of control” accidents.  

A Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) has been sent to the Ministry of Transport for sign off.

Add this project onto the Rules Programme.

Mapping of Part 91 Appendices

The purpose of this project is to identify how best to address an issue with existing civil aviation rules related to how technical standards for navigation and communication equipment are prescribed.

Will be looking to do some targeted engagement with external participants very soon.

Produce a policy options paper.
Alternative propulsion systems

This project aims to address the regulatory barriers which may unnecessarily prohibit or inhibit the uptake and use of alternative propulsion technology in New Zealand. While the project aims to stay technology-agnostic, consideration is given to the impacts of upcoming technologies, including electric aircraft and hydrogen.

A draft options paper on definitions is almost complete and will be sent to the Sponsors for sign off. Go out for targeted engagement with industry.

Cabin Crew ICAO Alignment

The purpose of this policy project is to identify and scope any required rule amendments related to cabin crew to align with ICAO Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft and relevant guidance materials.

A draft Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is being drafted. Complete RIA document

Annex 17 Security Requirements

This project has been initiated to bring New Zealand into alignment with multiple ICAO standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for Annex 17 – Aviation Security. The misalignments have been identified through gap analysis of new Amendments to the Annex, issue assessments, filed Differences, and the findings of the ICAO security audit in 2022.

A draft paper has been sent to the Sponsors for approval on the first three issues. Complete options papers for the remaining issues in this first workstream.