Safran (formerly Turbomeca) Arriel Engines – Counting and Recording Engine Cycles
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to draw attention to a safety concern which was recently reported to the CAA. An AS350 helicopter was found fitted with a non-functioning engine anti-ice system. The investigation revealed that an engine anti-ice valve was not installed on the affected helicopter.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is revised to advise operators and maintainers that Schweizer has issued Temporary Revision No. 269C-80 applicable to the Handbook of Maintenance Instructions and Schweizer Service Information Letter (SIL) No. L-188 is now available.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise operators and maintainers of a defect report received by the CAA which identified a crack in a vertical fin spar on a MBB-BK117 helicopter.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to draw operators and maintainers' attention to the potential for contact between the fuel tank supporting structure and the braided hydraulic line.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to bring attention to two defect reports submitted to the CAA for Cessna 208B aircraft. The first report is about finding severely corroded and cracked elevator torque tubes on a Cessna 208B, and the second report is about finding a corroded rudder torque tube assembly on another Cessna 208B aircraft.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice is revised to issue 2 to advise operators and maintainers that the Type Certificates previously held by Pacific Aerospace Limited, Hamilton, were transferred from Pacific Aerospace Limited to NZSkydive Limited on 29 November 2021. NZSkydive Limited is trading as Pacific Aerospace.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is raised to draw operator’s attention to findings with Guimbal Cabri G2 engine control cables, and to Guimbal and Lycoming Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness (ICA) requirements pertaining to engine control cables.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise operators and maintainers that ASTM has revised ASTM E1417 applicable to the Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing.
The purpose of this Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is to inform aircraft operators and maintenance providers that the CAA recently became aware of a clutch assembly defect (i.e. spalling damage to a C166-5 shaft). There have been several mid-life sprag failures in R44 helicopters over the past 15 years. In response to these failures the CAA issued DCA/R44/23B to inspect the clutch oil for contamination every 500 hours TIS. The damaged shaft was not found as a result of an inspection in accordance with DCA/R44/23B and there were no sprags found damaged or broken.
The purpose of this Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is to remind operators and maintainers of Robinson Helicopter Company (RHC) maintenance requirements about self-locking fasteners.
The purpose of this Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is to alert operators and maintainers of the importance of accomplishing a thorough inspection of the flap supports and rollers bearings for wear and corrosion. Service experience indicates the possibility of flap support wear by the flap roller bearings. Failure to accomplish a thorough inspection of the flap supports and roller bearings could result in damage to the flap supports, restriction of flap free movement, and a possible flap asymmetric condition.
RSA-10AD1 Fuel Control Units (FCUs) manufactured by Avstar Fuel Systems
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to bring attention to an issue reported to the CAA recently, where MS21042L3 nuts appeared to lose their self-locking function during installation.
This CAN is prompted by CAA awareness of several cargo hooks in New Zealand being damaged due to torsional loads. Loads attached to a cargo hook with a spreader bar (e.g. a fertilizer bucket) may cause the cargo hook to be subjected to high torsional loads which can damage the cargo hook. To ensure continued airworthiness of the hook, additional inspections, certain on-condition repairs, and/or appropriate replacement actions have been added to the manufacturers CMM. Refer to Onboard Systems CMM 122-015-00 for the new/additional inspections required for cargo hooks used for torsional load applications.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise users of the above mentioned Garmin GTN Xi products that these units are sending erroneous ADS-B OUT data. This issue is described in Garmin Service Advisory 20140 revision B, dated 12 January 2021.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise aircraft operators and maintainers of possible burnt intake valves on O-540-F1B5 engines, which can result in partial, or complete loss of engine power.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to bring attention to a recent failure of a rudder steering bracket P/N D60-5710-20-00-NPC on a Diamond DA 42 aircraft.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise Jabiru engine operators of the safety recommendations identified by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) with an investigation of a propeller loss on a Jabiru J430 aircraft in Austral