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Part 102 - Certification for drones
Applying for a Part 102 certificate
List of Part 102 unmanned aircraft operators
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ADS-B OUT for unmanned aircraft
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For family and friends after an accident
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Hands off the accident scene
Report laser strikes
Flight planning - not a quick once over
Summer flying
Performance checking of supercharged radial engines
Keeping low-use radial engines safe and serviceable
Too much noise in the CFZ, too little in the MBZ
The risk to safety through mispronouncing te reo Māori VRPs
Slow down those radio calls
Overdue. Now what?
Currency and competency
The insider threat to aviation
A chat with the Young Eagles
Stunning but imperfect
Making advisory circulars more ‘participant-friendly’
Interference to GNSS receivers highlights vulnerability
The CAA talks drones
Woodbourne busts
Classic Fighters is back. Here's how to get there safely
Missed the ADS-B deadline?
Competence or just confidence?
A beacon can save your life
The senior pilot
I learned about distraction from this. And stress. And workload.
Beating the isolation
Sharing the lessons
Lessons from a cyclone - part 1
Lessons from a cyclone - part 2
Cyber security - time to take it seriously
Balloon maintenance – Not for the unqualified operator
Skydiving out of a helicopter
A day in the life of a PLA
Ballooning safety post-Carterton
Safety reporting in adventure aviation
See and avoid - paragliders and powered aircraft in the same airspace
No engine, no problem
Thrills, risk, and dying
Gliding 101
Taking off in a hang glider or paraglider
If you’re in the circuit, speak up!
The impossible turn
Precautionary landings
Don’t throw caution to the windsock
Birds can invade your plane overnight
Joining uncontrolled
Landing your helicopter in a public place
"Line up and wait... I said wait!"
Q300s at uncontrolled aerodromes
Strip flying
Strip flying - first, get some proper training
'Uncontrolled' doesn't mean you
Animals on the strip
Flying around animals
Taxiway signage changes
Aerodrome signs 101
Aerodrome markings 101
Anticipate and integrate at North Shore
On watch for wildlife
With aerodrome safety, size doesn't matter
Bird strike
Safety in the circuit
Standard overhead join
A stable approach
A blunt message
What the heck is UNICOM?
Changes for the agricultural sector
Tuning into ag
Ag rules
Farming out
'Wall of wood' - Keep that lookout
Ag aviation accident stats - a good news story
Owning an aircraft on 1 July 2015
Aircraft hire - getting the basics right
Identifiable paint schemes and call signs
Unique personal call signs
Electrical load analysis - does your aircraft need one?
Change of ownership
Amateur-built aircraft
So you want to fly a gyro?
Maintenance records – Part of the aircraft
Installation of ADS-B and PBN equipment
Microlight type ratings
Maintenance control for Part 135 and 125
The many responsibilities of an aircraft owner
Service bulletins and YOU
Flying limitations
A message to aircraft owners
Electrical load analysis - A reminder to owners
Is that a design change?
Two sides to an airworthiness certificate
About the logbook, the work records, and the aircraft operator
Ageing aircraft wiring
Aircraft airworthiness categories - some basics
The long road to ZQN night ops
Stay clear of Marsden Point
ATC assistance crossing Cook Strait
Civil and military aircraft sharing airspace
As if you needed it, there's another reason to stay out of military airspace. Drones.
Flying in and out of Great Barrier
The ins and outs of Hamilton
VNCs are getting an update
'BVLOS' is coming - read your NOTAMs!
VNCs - you get a say
Close to the edge
It's not just breaching low-flying rules
Get those hours and flights in…
Anatomy of a safety investigation
15A investigations - a fair examination
CAA Notices - faster and more flexible
Everybody knew
Update on sector risk profiles
Assessment of FDT Schemes
Going public with drones
Investigating accident themes
Singing from the same song sheet
CAA investigations - busting the myths
Secure loads - everyone's responsibility
Declaring dangerous goods to ATS
A reminder about carrying goods
Dangerous goods AC - have your say
Carriage of LPG cylinders
Lithium battery fires do happen here
The not-so-safe safety belt
It's called a 'life' jacket for a reason
Unapproved aircraft seat modifications
Lithium batteries - the good, the bad, and the ugly
Buckle up
Installation of ballistic parachutes
Don't assume new = safe
Batteries - follow manufacturer instructions!
Update those ELT details
Raising the alarm accidentally
Flying for the crowd
A study in safety
A new era in aviation events
Too much focus
Lessons for all pilots from a Fenestron tragedy
Regulating RPAS - where to now?
New rules for RPAS
RPAS update
Manufacturing safe drones
Reporting drone occurrences
Places not to drone
Uncontrolled aerodromes and drones
Flying drone aware
Seeing eye to eye
Drones are here. Now. Read your NOTAMS
Beyond visual line of sight - the next step for UA
Taking drone safety seriously
BVLOS is here
Drifting away from safety
Dated data
Teen build pays off for everyone
Vinyl applications - a hidden threat
Maintenance engineer licence limitations
Data - it's called "acceptable" for a reason
Aircraft data plates
Technical log troubleshooting
OEM or PMA parts?
Installing avionics - what's acceptable technical data?
A safety measure
Someone told me I could...
Lycoming valves
The world-beating Jarrod Wood
Compatible modifications
Recording of maintenance
What engineers would like from pilots
Sparking knowledge of fuel chemistry
Revised electrical standard
Professional development for test pilots
Is that AD really signed off?
Digging for the truth
The value of a CAN
Parting out
The damaging effect of torsional loads on cargo hooks
Dual controls - who can change them
Aircraft cleaning
Duplicate inspections
Flying on a dying engine
Turbine gas path washing
Not necessarily twice as safe
Not flying much? Beat the rust
Surviving 'engine out' in a helicopter
Hydraulic lock doesn't affect just radial engines
GPS and RNAV flight planning
So you don't think you need a NOTAM?
NOTAMS - at your nearest app store
Amending SARTIME, terminating flight plans
Get it right this summer
What is your life worth?
The value of preparedness
Fuel for thought
Dipstick woes
When pure, clear, water isn't a good thing
Fuel - a dangerous 'good' for good reason
ADS-B does NOT replace an Airways VFR flight plan
December 1917 - Avoidable accidents
The problem with women in aviation...
A new way to investigate safety risks
Just culture and reporting
The boiling frog - how's that heat?
No old turkeys
Young Eagles - aviation passion and safety
50 years of Vector - What's changed?
So you think you can see and avoid
How the AMC process works
I learned about flying from that
Assertiveness in the aviation workplace
I learned about flying from that
Holding back on the herbals
Beaver rush
A new approach to fatigue
The danger of accumulated stress
Avoiding distraction
Alternative process for determining cardiovascular health
Take the pressure down
Above the bar
Peer assistance network - A 'safe harbour'
Illusions in flight
The right fuel
A cool bedroom, blackout curtains, and ear plugs
Against the clock
Health matters
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Antihistamines and drowsiness
Go back three steps
Horror in a Hirtenberg
Flying near Mount Stupid
Staying staunch in the storm
The need for water is real
When a sunset isn't pretty
The take-off that approached disaster
Cool decision-making in a crisis
Support for women in aviation
The braver decision
To hell and back - a pilot's journey to regain mental health
Looking without seeing
In the time of COVID-19, how fit to fly are you?
Night-induced spatial disorientation
Improving dual-flight training through accountability
Part 135 D-Cat privileges reviewed
In praise of good instructors
The flight examiner as a professional
Beyond good flying
Making the most of instructing
Strip flying - first, get some proper training
Flight training lessons after lockdown
Stall recovery and minimising height loss
Slow flight - important to teach well
A solo at Walsh
Teach about the paperwork too - a plea to instructors
BFR - are you current?
Part 61 pilot licences and ratings changes
BFR - not a test but an opportunity
The changing role of the senior person
Daily flight records
Using electronic logbooks the right way
All about BFRs
Assessing the safety risk in Part 135
Profiling risk in Part 135
New responsibilities for worker safety
Your company name is part of your certificate
Taking ownership of risk
The value of safety
Diverse opinions at the big table
Normalisation of deviance
Deferral of defects
Extra eyes
Straying from standards
It's your exposition
A warning on drug testing for operators
Root cause analysis - the five whys
What it means to be a senior person
The proper use of Section 13a
Why counting cycles counts
Pilots as lifelong students
Microlighting across Australia
Everyone needs good neighbours
Banner towing's potential hidden cost
Role equipment - check, recheck, practise
Glass vs analogue
An excess of skill?
IFR circling speed restrictions
From footy to flying
Into the dark
Top five from top six
Under pressure
Navigating your way through
Flying heli-neighbourly
A heads-up on night VFR
Clutter in the cockpit
Stay or go? Lessons from air ambulance ops
Too low, no go
Not meeting the ground unexpectedly
Avoid a bad avoid
Stay in control
Tips from the newbies
Outside the limits
Safety in numbers
Isolated and vulnerable
Engage the brain. Slow down. Zig-zag.
Low flying over West Melton
Happy landings
VFR into IMC
I learned about flying from that
It's not over till it's over - postflight checks
Passenger briefings
VRPs - make sure you're on the same page
Radiotelephony changes
Plane talking and situational awareness
Romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou?
C'mon guys - be kind!
Are you a crowing rooster?
Proactive always better than reactive
The value of reporting
The value of defect reporting
GPS jamming - report it!
How to build a great reporting culture
The value of your 005D report
Low G effects - flight into turbulence
Hooking in to external load safety
Heli weather decision-making
Flying under the roof of the world
Heli passenger seating - no more fish bins
External loads - how much do you really know?
Helicopter over water
Vortex ring state
Airbus helicopters
Safety message: Secure loose items
Safety in heli ops
Marlborough frost protection
Rotary visibility issues
A black box for GA - explaining the unexplained
SMS - What it means for you
Risk - Where to begin
Your SMS is yours and yours alone
SMS implementation plans - top tips
SMS - Advice from heli operators
SMS certification for chief executives
SMS... Taking the plunge!
SMS for Part 135s
Just the two of us
Hazard, risk, and SMS
Who 'does' SMS at your place?
Engagement and top-down commitment
Back to the future with SMS
SMS - Top tips
SMS scalability
Delivering the goods
RACAs and quality assurance
Building a security culture
Satellite-based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) - Installation warning
Navigating our New Southern Sky
Is your Mode S correct?
Know your software
Performance based navigation progress
Progress on ADS-B
Protection of ILS trial
ADS-B - what's happening next?
Performance based navigation for Part 91
Don't let your software trip you up
The outs and ins of ADS-B
Sky's the limit for SBAS technology
Moving to ADS-B OUT
PBN implementation update
Advice from ADS-B equipped pilots
ADS-B - From sceptic to convert
ADS-B changes - What you need to know
TCAS: A valuable tool if everyone plays the game
I fly outside controlled airspace - ADS-B is of no use to me. Or is it?
Not drowning in the tech
Final call for ADS-B
How to teach Met
Free MetFlight GA
WX matters
Avoiding thunderstorms
Murky flying
Reading the weather
Sharing your view of the weather
Space weather
How's your MET knowledge?
Flying around volcanoes
Wake turbulence - The invisible threat
What happened here? Sifting the lessons from the wreckage
Learning from Kaikoura
Aircraft icing
A new hazard - bird-scaring lasers
Wires - Working to get them down
Wires - Got a whole heap down
Be wire aware
Spot the wire
It's all on the line
Anti-wire strike tech
High safety
Things that jeopardise your lookout
A special edition of Vector
Dip 'n check
Bird strike - anything could happen
Reporting defects in mods
Be aware of date mix-ups
Wet wet wet
Worth their weight in gold - cockpit video recorders
Your family doesn't want to have to meet us
Who's really flying your aircraft?
Stuck in the middle with you
Pushing the boundaries of safety
Proactive maintenance and incident reporting
Patterns of rule-breaking
Mike's story
It won't happen to me
Summer traffic busy spots
Audio story: Know your neighbour
What makes a great aerodrome culture?
Skill, courtesy, and sound decisions
Rules ---> Safety
Radio calls - make them count
Sharing the risks
The limitations of ADS-B
Looking out 'consciously'
I learned about lookout from this
Beware the slowly taxiing helicopter
The legality of AIPNZ
Lasting legacy of an aviation safety pioneer
The dangers of aircraft icing
Do you see me now?
New radar for air traffic control
Risky business
How to get from stress to strength
The value of an electronic CO detector
Engineers' mental health
Be ready for the emergency
Dangerous goods - time to be on the right side of safety
The STC approval process
Mixing it up - VFR and IFR at uncontrolled aerodromes
Latching on to great safety
Survival skills for pilots
Weather tragedies affect air traffic controllers too
Fatigue: a saboteur of good decisions
Getting the best from ADS-B
I learned about near misses from this
What the hell is ‘anxiety’?
Emotions are contagious. Stay calm.
The RNZAF at unattended aerodromes
'It’ll never happen here'
Summer traffic busy spots 2024-25
Laser strikes – report them!
The new Act
The dangers of December
It’s that time of year again folks…
Defect reporting - a vital part of the safety system
Go, no-go decisions in wildfire season
Busier and busier
Pilots, watch for ash
The surprising findings on mid-air collisions in uncontrolled airspace
Introducing Safe Haven - a new way to report health conditions
Icing in summer? Yes, it's a thing
Vector article archive
Vector subscriptions
Get in touch with Vector
Good Aviation Practice booklets
Civil Aviation Authority
In an emergency
Pilot practice
Good Aviation Practice videos
Safety education posters
Safety education products
Practical Flying Guides
Practical Flying Guide 1: Visual Navigation
Practical Flying Guide 2: Instructor Supervision
Order publications
Courses and workshops
Airworthiness and Maintenance Workshop
Category 3 Test Flying Workshop
Dangerous Goods course
Flight instructor seminars
ICAO aviation security training
Inspection Authorisation (IA) certificate initial course
Inspection Authorisation (IA) certificate refresher course
Occurrence Investigation Workshop
Human factors
Why do I need to care about human factors?
Non-technical skills (NTS)
Situational awareness
Fatigue risk management
Not just for pilots
Applying human factors
Guide to investigating human factors
Why do we need to investigate human factors?
Perspective-taking for investigators
Traps for investigators
Writing recommendations or safety actions
Questions to ask
Resources and further information
Aeromedical / human limitations
Safety initiatives
Accidents – A reminder of lessons from the past
Circuit etiquette
Pre-flight planning
Radio calls
Situational awareness and threat and error management
Uncontrolled aerodromes
CAA educational videos
Safety messages
Safety messages for unmanned aircraft
The risk of incorrect altimeter settings
Practise and exercise good judgement
Double-check your helicopter doors!
Non-conformance with uncontrolled or unattended aerodrome circuit procedures can be fatal
Loose items can be fatal
Check the carb icing graph
Ensure the power lever friction is set and serviceable
Adjust cockpit dimmer controls
Sector risk profiles
Agricultural aviation sector risk profile
Medium and large aircraft air transport sector risk profile
Part 135 air operations sector risk profile
Dangerous goods
Carriage of dangerous goods – LPG bottles
Helicopter safety
Helicopter frost protection
Robinson helicopter safety training
Wake turbulence – The invisible threat
Helicopter flight instructor manual
Helicopter safety resources
Wire safety
Laser pointer safety
Security guidance
Security culture
Enhancing your organisation's security culture
Security culture guidance
What is security culture?
Why do organisations need good security culture?
The eight key components of security culture
1. Security leadership
2. Positive work environment
3. Security training
4. Understand your threat and risk environment
5. Staff vigilance
6. Reporting systems and incident response
7. Information security
8. Measure your effectiveness
Year of security culture newsletters
Security culture resources
State safety programme
SMS - Safety management systems
Real people, real stories
SMS resources
Health and safety
Drugs and alcohol
Agricultural operations safety
Worker engagement
Working with other businesses
Health and safety videos
Forms, guides, fact sheets, and definitions
Reporting HSWA events
Notifiable death
Notifiable injuries
Notifiable illness
Notifiable incident
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Continuing Airworthiness Notice
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Part 157 Determination
Part 157 Proposal
Part 77 Determination
Part 77 Proposal
Type acceptance report
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SMS rule comparison - Part 137 [PDF 33 KB]
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Airworthiness Directive
Continuing Airworthiness Notice
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Part 157 Determination
Part 157 Proposal
Part 77 Determination
Part 77 Proposal
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